• Hashtag= #NASAeconomy


    When communicating in local communities as well as with Congressional stakeholders the common question always asked is “what’s in it for me?” or “how does that impact my community?”  NASA has publicly accessible data that provides information on jobs, dollars being spent, and likely many other data points that would help in communicating the economic impact that NASA is making across the United States (possibly the world).  The problem is that all these data is located in different places and is delivered in an appealing manner

    Challenge Description:

    Help tell the story of NASA’s economic impact through an app, visualization, or other interactive media.

    Functional Specifications:

    The challenge is open-ended. Be creative. To do this, you might consider one or more of the following:

    • Create a web and/or mobile application that utilizes data to share information about the economic impact that NASA has on 
    • Develop a microsite which highlights one or more areas of significant economic impact - for example, workforce deployment or value of NASA procurements - nationally, or by state.  
    • Develop an interactive map of NASA workforce deployments, procurement spending etc.


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  • The following projects are solving this challenge:

    • Space on Earth

      How to show the impact of aerospatial research in our daily lifes ? Aerospatial research has spin-offs at various levels : individual, home, country, and earth. We are representing these spin-offs through an interactive map in two dimensions : scale levels and topics. Visit Project

    • economyimpact

      The aim is to give fresh ideas about the Nasa's economy impact by an interactive presentation Visit Project

    • Economics - York team

      Our project will present how NASA impacts on economy, and various fields as technology advancement, business development, human resources and the promotion of STEM. We will create a draft of app to present this impact, with a user friendly navigation between the categories, and visual data to... Visit Project

    • Un-NASA

      Un-NASA is a narrative on an alternate history and an alternate universe where NASA never came to be... Visit Project

    • The Spacecons

      ## Goal We want to convey the message that NASA is important because it has huge impacts on the economy and huge effects on humanity. ## Method Our website achieves the goal by appealing to people both rationally, by providing facts and figures, and emotionally, by inspirational and thought... Visit Project
