Hashtag= #diamondplanet
- Location: 55 Cancri E in the Constellation of Cancer
- 55 Cancri e is an extrasolar planet approximately 40 light years from Earth orbiting the Sun-like star 55 Cancri A. Its mass is about 7.8 Earth masses and its diameter is about twice that of Earth's, thus classifying it as the first Super-Earth discovered around a main sequence star. 55 Cancri E is believed to be a solid planet made of carbon-rich material rather than the oxygen-rich material that makes up the terrestrial planets in our solar system. As such, roughly a third of the planet's mass would be carbon. Due to conditions in the planet’s atmosphere, much of this mass may be diamond.
Challenge Description:
Encourage space education and awareness by designing a piece of jewelry or wearable art that celebrates 55 Cancri E’s unique qualities.
Functional Specifications:
Open to definition, but could include:
- A playful art/jewelry project that engages children and those without technological skills to celebrate 55 Cancri E.
- Jewelry/wearable art that celebrates 55 Cancri E via a diamond motif.
- Digital jewelry that orients 55 Cancri E’s location or celebrates its unique qualities, possibly leveraging Arduino/GIS technology.
Star map of constellation Cancer
http://www.talenthouse.com/creativeinvites/show/submission/detail/68B4MPThis Space Apps 2012 project from Tokyo is additional inspiration!
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The following projects are solving this challenge:
Jewelry that celebrates 55 Cancri E via a diamond motif. Visit Project
55 Ctrix
A wearable interactive LED display on a T-shirt celebrating the planet 55 Cancri e. The T-shirt will also have a printed qr code linking to an App that gives more fun facts about the planet. Encouraging curiosity about space exploration. Visit Project
Making a bracelet of the constellation of cancer, with 5 points/stars with the emphasis on Cancri 55. I'll be using a combination of clear diamond-looking beads, sliver wire and silver stars. Visit Project
Aphrodite's Pendants
The aim of this project is to demonstrate the beauty of certain natural elements of our planet, like the humble beach pebbles which we are using in their natural diamond shaped form,to create some pieces of beautiful jewellery and to connect them First with the diamond planet 55 Cancri e,Second ... Visit Project
SolarSystemHat: You are the sun
This was inspired by "In the Sky with Diamonds" but does not specifically about 55 Cancri E. It is a playful art/jewelry project that engages children about space exploration. Its learning goals are: -The child will be able to name the order of the planets in our solar system -The child will ... Visit Project
55 CNC e
our project represents our solar system in communion with the planetary system 55 cancri ey with the rest of the universe. It symbolizes the step that the man in science and technology, the achievements over time. Visit Project
A bracelet that illuminates when your favorite star/celestial body is overhead. Super simple, user friendly web interface. Super simple Android app to talk BT to the device. Prototype for the apps challenge will use ISM band 'bit-bang' interface to USB hardware to show proof of concept. Web... Visit Project
Bigblue star
Jewelry/wearable art that celebrates 55 Cancri E via a diamond motif. Jewelry/wearable art capable to communicate with your smartphone via a QR code Visual identity and logotype for communicate about 55 Cancri E project Visit Project
Space Jewelry
Our project Space Jewelry, has 2 pieces, earrings and a necklace. The necklace is called "Diamond Piece" and the earrings "Orbit Earrings". The necklace depicts the 5 orbiting planets of the 55 Cancri system orbiting around the sun-like star 55 cancri a. The main stone in the center is a diamond-... Visit Project
Carl Sagan Jewelry Box
The Carl Sagan Jewelry Box is a fun way to store your space-jewelry, and be reminded of the amazing things that await in this universe By pushing the button, a Carl Sagan quote appears on an hard-coded Arduino board with a 20 X4 LCD Screen. Visit Project
Mujeres en el espacio
Diseño de una joya con motivos de diamante. Visit Project

In the Sky with Diamonds