Hashtag= #ardusat
ArduSat is the world’s first open Space network, offering everyday people a chance to interact with, and control a satellite for the purposes of running experiments, games, applications, or whatever other new and interesting applications can be dreamt up.
ArduSat is equipped with roughly 15 sensors on board, including a camera, spectrometer and Geiger counter. It also has a number of Arduino Microprocessors onboard, which allow users to upload their own application, game or experiment and run it on the satellite.
Crowdfunded by KickStarter, we want to break down the barrier between everyday citizens and space and get everyone truly involved and engaged in the exploration of Space, the Final Frontier.
Make your mark by helping to build and develop the world’s first open Space network, a satellite platform where everyday explorers and creators all across the work have access to build, launch and test new and innovative applications or experiments in Space. Push the envelope in nano-satellite camera technology usage, the architecture of onboard processing computers or write an smart-phone app for millions of people that pulls together data from NASA Satellites, ArduSats and the 100million+ iPhones/Android Phone all across the planet to deliver a vivid and powerful picture of the Sun’s turbulent storms’ influence on Earth’s transportation network, power grid and people.
Challenge Description:
We've built the road, now show us the destination. Extend the functionality of ArduSat - an open satellite platform offering on-demand access to Space, and built on the Arduino chip set. Engage people with ArduSat via an application that utilizes its camera, the development of a global weather dataset, or improve ArduSat's processing power.
Be one of the first developers to make it something amazing. For instance, push the envelope—leverage the onboard camera, computing power, and data culled from NASA satellites and the 100 million+ iPhones/ Android phones in the world to showcase the influence of the Sun's turbulent storms on Earth's transportation network, power grids and people. The potential for creativity and innovation here is quite literally out of this world.
This challenge has three options: science, software or hardware.
Functional Specifications:
Science Challenge: Hack and use the ArduSat camera (or an equivalent camera module) to create an Earth horizon sensor, a Sun sensor, or a star tracker.
Software Challenge: Combine NASA Space Weather Data, ArduSat Space Weather Sensor Data and Earth-based sensor experiments and iPhones data into a global database, mapping how solar storms affect Earths magnetic field in space and on Earth.
- NASA has space weather data online that the app should tap-into and prepare in a database for as usable a form as possible.
- ArduSat has Magnetometers and Geiger-counters on-board and the app should get that data and combine into the database.
- A simple Arduino Experiment with a Magnetometer shall be used to record changes in the Earths magnetic field. Individuals, groups and schools could run this simple experiment more or less ongoingly (similar to SETI) and record data on changes in the magnetic field and pipe it into a global database.
- Last but not least, write an iPhone App that uses the magnetometer on the iPhone to record magnetic field data and also pipes it into the database.
- Use all the information in the database to graphically display the changes of Earth’s magnetic field as they are induced by the Sun, are reflected in near Earth orbit and then on Earth. Maps could be simple heat-maps with different colors for the amount of change, there could be a map with all the locations that are piping in data into the database, leaderboards for who is providing the most data, etc
Hardware Challenge: Build the next version of the ArduSat payload with dramatically enhanced processing power.
- Level 1 – Use an Arduino Due/ Maple as main computer and Arduino mega as experiment nodes.
- Level 2 - Use a Linux computer (BeagleBone/Raspberry Pi) as main computer and Arduino Due/Maple as experiment node.
- Level 3 - Using a Linux computer (BeagleBone/Raspberry Pi) to emulate Arduinos
Learn more about ArduSat
http://www.ardusat.orgInformation from our Kickstarter campaign, including a list of onboard sensors
And a note: If you want to create a hardware-based solution, remember to bring your own hardware!
Learn more about Arduino
http://Arduino.ccInformation on Arduino, our open source hardware platform
http://beagleboard.org/bone/Information on BeagleBone
Raspberry Pi
http://raspberrypi.orgInformation on Raspberry Pi
Background info on Astrionics
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AstrionicsBackground regarding some onboard sensors and the challenge, including information on Sun sensors, Earth horizon sensors, star trackers, etc.
Background info on Attitude Control
Integrated Space Weather Analysis System
http://iswa.gsfc.nasa.gov/iswa/iSWA.htmlSpace Weather Data
Space Weather Action Center
http://sunearthday.nasa.gov/swac/data.phpMore Space Weather Data
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The following projects are solving this challenge:
A working model of ArduSat on PiSat Visit Project
Android app to record total magnetic intensity from Android handset's magnetometer, web app to display global magnetic intensity data. Visit Project
PiSat is a Raspberry-Pi based model of Ardusat - a miniaturized satellite built with commercially available off-the-shelf electronics components. In our project we have used PiSat for one-way as well as bidirectional data transfer and control. Visit Project
Ardu Sat Extender
We intend to extend the functionality of the ArduSat by adding more processing power to it in the form of Raspberry Pi nodes. The Raspberry Pi can either emulate the Arduino or act as a stand alone processor to process signals from the various sensors on-board ArduSat. Visit Project
El proyecto NeoArduSat emergió de la necesidad de mejorar el ArduSat, el nuevo sistema mecánico, desarrollado para una mayor libertad en la cámara, una simulación mas realista en Processing con los cálculos dinámicos del ArduSat simulado en órbita, hacen parte de este proyecto. En conjunto se d... Visit Project
an Satellite in the street
The projet is achieved by using , Arduino Mega , RasBerryPi , sensors , camera and Arduino Ethernet Shield . Ethernet shield card is plugged in arduino and with his memory card ; people can download data ( pictures , documents , movies , games etc...) sensors are also connected on Analogs i... Visit Project
Sensors & Sensibility
NOTE - This project has been merged with another ArduSat project & can be found at http://spaceappschallenge.org/project/arduhack/ Visit Project
The Atlanta ArduSat team launched an "internet of things" framework for experimenters, where an autonomous template kit can be deployed rapidly to Arduino and Raspberry Pi in an Ardusat, to obtain sensor data through a webservice. Choosing to deploy or build on this project would let beginner... Visit Project
ArduSat London
Build a Prototype of a Arduino and Raspberry Pi powered satalite. Visit Project
\\!< \todo Visit Project
ArduSat Guatemala
We are implementing a Raspberry Pi to receive and manage data from an Arduino UNO and an Arduino Mini via I2C. Visit Project
ArduSat Pi with redundancy
An attempt to define a flight computer architecture for ArduSat using BCM2835 (Raspberry Pi) and SAM3X (Arduino Due) processors, using redundancy to avoid Single Event Effects. Visit Project
Pi powered Arduino
It address the level 2 hardware challenge related to Ardusat. Here, Linux based computer (RasberryPi) is used as main computer and Arduino Uno/Diecimila (which can be easily extended to Due/Maple) is used as experiment node. The first goal of this project is to be able to remotely program the... Visit Project
Ardusat software challeneg
this is the software challange that gets data form an arduino and sends it intoa database Visit Project
ArduStat Image Processing
In this project we are going to detect the Sun and the Stars using the OpenCV which is an Open Sourced Computer Vision Softwere. The main objective of the program will be to identify the sun and the stars and from them identify the time of day based on the colour of the sun as seen from the earth... Visit Project
Comunicación por modulación de pulsos cuánticos, pulse modulation quantum communication.
We know that the distances in the universe are so extensive, it is beyond our imagination to try to communicate, or communication with signs of current technological means. Moreover it makes it necessary to communicate faster with devices sent into space, or future voyagers. I have long thought ... Visit Project
This project aims to develop a node Arduino code and Python code for the Raspberry Pi, that can be used to interface various sensors / actuators and maintain a redundant SPI/ USB comm. link with the Arduino, the raspberry Pi can send send in various commands to Arduino to control sensors /actuato... Visit Project
Participants: Kian, Noah, Yousuf. This addresses the level III challenge. Space travel is becoming increasingly expensive. Space must be open to citizen scientists and those wishing to unlock the secrets of the universe so that we may better our everyday knowledge of space and science. The Ard... Visit Project
ArduIMU V4
This project aims to develop the Forth Generation of the ArduIMU. The current one (ArduIMU V3) can be found on http://code.google.com/p/ardu-imu/ ArduIMU is an Arduino based Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). The hardware is almost developed. The software should be upgraded from the version 3 to m... Visit Project
With the processing of the image and a little programming in Python with some easy steps and easy mathematics the sensor detects the horizon of the Earth and the program draws a line on the place where the horizon is.That is about the Earth Horizon sensor that we made.On the other hand we impleme... Visit Project
Arduinos on the Raspberry Pi
This project solves the Ardusat hardware level 3 challenge by using a Raspberry Pi running ChibiOS (a Real Time Operating System for embedded systems). Inside ChibiOS threads runs Arduino code with help of a library that mimics the Arduino platform. The RTOS can be configured to map pins and devi... Visit Project
Our project is to extend the functionality of the ArduSat to use a camera and send images of the Earth to people's mobiles. We are using open cv to track the earth with the camera and adjust the camera angle to center the earth in the picture frame. This can be manually overridden by the user via... Visit Project
