Hashtag= #earthlandscape
This project is to compare different landscapes on Earth with those of other planets and their moons or other bodies like asteroids. Finding close matches can benefit scientists and astronauts in preparing to send a probe or even manned missions by first practicing here on Earth.
This application would be extremely educational and allow members of the public to have a better understanding of these other planetary surfaces.
Challenge Description:
Create an application that allows the user to compare Earth landscapes with planetary surfaces like the moon, Mars, Mercury, Ceres, Vesta, etc.
Functional Specifications:
The application should be able to query the Planetary Data System and/or mission websites (Messenger, LRO, etc) databases.
Data sets can include topography (laser altimeters are used on some missions and the data is available) and where available, the chemical composition.
Example: The application should show a comparison between Olympus Mons, the largest volcano on Mars, to Mauna Kea, the largest volcano on Earth.
Planetary Data System
http://pds.nasa.govThen click Mercury, Venus, Mars, Asteroid (Ceres, Vesta), etc, in the Quick Searches links on the far left.
Dawn mission
http://dawn.jpl.nasa.gov/Dawn mission homepage
http://messenger.jhuapl.edu/MESSENGER - MErcury Surface, Space Environment, GEochemistry, and Ranging
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO
http://lro.gsfc.nasa.gov/under Science and Data, then Images and Multimedia on the far left and browse lunar images.
Earth Data – Landsat
Earth Observing System
http://earthdata.nasa.gov/data/standards-and-references/earth-data-science-disciplines/landEarth Observing System
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The following projects are solving this challenge:
We build drupal website (story telling type) with data from NASA. Currently we have the html5 based site prototype, er, somewhat responsive web design and WCAG compliant. No data fetched from NASA yet. We think our website is unique because we only display similar places from Earth and her n... Visit Project
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Space Explorer
Our project is a Windows Phone app that aims to compare different landscapes on Earth with those of other planets. The landscapes are inclusive, but not limited to land formations such as volcanoes, canyons and mountains. Furthermore, our project also provides details about the different planets ... Visit Project

Comparing Earth Landscapes