Hashtag= #darksideofthemoon
- Location: The dark side of the moon
- Data: 3D vector data of lunar surface.
- Idea: Linking to the GRAIL and Moonkam mission (signature education and public outreach program) – where the first video of the far side of the moon was beamed back to Earth January 2012.
Challenge Description:
Raise awareness of and encourage interest in the far side of the moon using available images and data via web applications and 3D-printed objects.
Functional Specifications:
- Create a website or application that highlights sections of the dark side of the moon through topographical visualizations.
- Print 3D models of those sections as wearable objects (pins/brooches) enabling people to see, touch and own the side of the moon that we never get to see from Earth.
PDS Lunar Data Node
Clementine mission topography maps
JAXA's Kaguya Mission
Google Moon
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The following projects are solving this challenge:
Cuna de Cráteres
The idea is develop a web application that can be use for look the forgotten moon sides, with help of many activities like the use of photo gallerys, videos, interesting and easy for read information, etc, the application must be on the internet for the school use and other kinds. Visit Project
Dark Side of the Moon
My project aims to achieve the goal of creating an informative website for the public to use to learn about the dark side of the moon. The website is going to be aimed toward younger children, perhaps 2nd and 3rd graders. I am also aiming to create a 3-D printing model of part of the lunar surf... Visit Project
A tribute to Storm Thorgerson, the designer of the Pink Floyd album cover 'Dark Side of the Moon' who passed away recently. This project brings a 3D print of a section of moon landscape, formed to emulate the prism used on the album cover, together with some acrylic coloured beads simulating ... Visit Project
A scientific website for lunar image processing and comparison of data from different lunar missions. There have been numerous moon missions, which have taken myriad images. Comparing the most processed images [1] has numerous advantages: - Comparing images taken between different times allo... Visit Project

Dark Side of the Moon