Hashtag= #fortherecord
The office of Education is ready to take its programming to the next level and explore new methods of collecting information that illustrates the sentiments and experiences of education participants. b Capturing and understanding participant feedback and response to educational activities, materials, and engagement is key to program development, analysis and evaluation cycles/efforts. Current methods for determining participant responses include, surveys, focus groups, exit interviews and informal discussions. The inherit challenge of data collected via these traditional methods are that they are costly, biased, deemed burdensome, and challenging to implement. In order for NASA to have a more active (as opposed to reactive) response regarding our investments we must receive unbiased and timely feedback. For this reason NASA Education is interested in developing an application that allows participants to share their real-time feedback/sentiments regarding their educational experiences. It will collect information that will enable NASA education to quickly discern what is or is not working with our engagements. Data can be collected via registered users entries or through the utilization of existing social networks via hash tags that include key words like NASA internship, NASA Fellowship.
Challenge Description
Develop web-based or mobile platform through which users can provide NASA Education feedback on their experience. The initial audience here is for interns at the NASA Education program.
Functional Specifications
Registered users can select from a list of emotions, emoticons, and or enter free form text describing how they are feeling about their learning/working experience and/or workplace. The application should pick up location (region of the country, state) and time/date, along with each entry for the user. Responses should display in a visually engaging way. Users should be able to easily search and sort responses across a number of filters (i.e. user demographics, location, types of responses, individual responses). Data should be aggregated and displayed in a way that will allow users and visitors alike to be able to answer basic questions such as: how do participants feel about their learning experience? How do female participants feel vs. male participants? How do participants majoring in a STEM disciplines feel vs. those majoring in business disciplines? What is the sample size for this response?
Registration would include basic demographic information on users, location, age, gender, academic discipline/major, education/professional level, and NASA Education program/activity. Registration is required to record feelings. Registration is not required to view results.
This application should be designed to entice users to share their candid feelings. It should not feel like a survey or polling website. It should evoke a sense of community that the user wants and recognizes them to be a part of. For the Record (RFT) is a place to share opinions and get a pulse on the experiences of NASA Education participants.
http://www.wefeelfine.orgAn Exploration of Human Emotion, in Six Movements by Jonathan Harris and Sep Kamvar
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The following projects are solving this challenge:
Feed Bulls
Feed Bulls aim to collection opinionated feedback. Bulls means a slang for Pulse. Visit Project
For the record Laguna
EspaƱol For The Record (FTR) es un lugar donde puedes expresar libremente tus experiencias y opiniones acerca del programa Nasa Education. Donde ademas puedes enterarte de las historias de sus integrantes. English For the Record (RFT) is a place to freely share your opinions and experiences ... Visit Project
Feed (me) back
A quick-to-go HTML5 app to share the feelings and feedbacks about a specific event. Visit Project
The Wall
This project will allow students from NASA's internship program to give feedback on their experience. It will also show statistics and let visitors see ratings filtered by different parameters, such as gender, age, education level, etc. Visit Project
Feedipedia is feedback share web-based application developed using HTML/asp.net/css/javascript. The interns of NASA can give their feedback directly and can able to read the previous feedback submitted by another user. User should register itself before giving up the feedback. We are providing t... Visit Project
feed back
Feedback share web-based application developed using HTML5/CSS/Javascript. User should register before giving up the feedback. The interns of NASA can give their feedback directly and can able to read the previous feedback submitted by another user Visit Project
Feedback Website Visit Project
Creative Mindset
The project will be developed primarily on Windows 8, using azure mobile services. the storage information will also be deployed to the equivalent android app. Visit Project
Nasa Hearts
This app allows the users to speak their hearts out .. Visit Project
an interactive platform, where interns by using gamification can share their emotions, productivity, like and dislike about each project they have. Visit Project
Experience into community
*This is a concept brief. It has moved on into more intangible things. Please take it and do as you see fit!* https://experienceintocommunityspaceappscy.hackpad.com/For-the-Record-jaimpN98Pkj Experience A mobile app capturing, analysing and re-evaluating experience. A backchannel, l... Visit Project
This app aims to provide users an easy way for learning the NASA and some terms of the universe. Visit Project
Johnson Space Center interns share their personal stories through this video. The video is still a draft, but its open to any suggestions. Visit Project

For the Record