Hashtag= #watercontamination or #mWater
mWater has created a mobile app and global database of water sources. The app makes it easy to add new water sources, record the results from inexpensive water quality tests and perform surveys. We also recently created a similar app/database of sewage flows into the environment called mSewage, which is now a finalist for the Sanitation App Challenge.
We would like to add capabilities to the mWater app to display data from remote sensing products. Possibilities include:
Boundaries of water bodies, which are not adequately mapped in many developing countries and are often seasonal in nature. This is important in determining the downstream risk from the release of untreated sewage. For example, the 2011 cholera outbreak in Haiti began when sewage from a camp for UN security personnel contaminated a river upstream of where people were getting their drinking water.
Population density. This is important to local municipalities and health workers to determine how many residents in their community lack access to safe water sources. There are now global population estimates available that could be overlaid on our water sources data to calculate this information.
Digital elevation models. These could be combined with water body boundaries to generate maps of areas that are vulnerable to fecal contamination because the are downstream from pollution sources tracked using the mSewage database.
This challenge could appeal to a team interested in visualization of data, by simply developing efficient user interfaces and displays for remotely-sensed data. A more quantitative team could undertake the problem of combining digital elevation models with water body boundaries to predict flow directions.
mWater is a non-profit organization and is committed to open-source software development (https://github.com/mWater) and open-access to water and sanitation data (mWater API). Your contributions will be put to immediate use in our field work in East Africa and by mWater users from around the world.
mWater API
http://data.mwater.co/apiv2open API for searching for and identifying water sources of all kinds
mWater on GitHub
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The following projects are solving this challenge:
Mobile and Web visualizations of population density on registered water sources by mWater. As #watercontamination challenge creator wrote: This is important to local municipalities and health workers to determine how many residents in their community lack access to safe water sources. Visit Project
API Visualization using Leap Motion controllers. Visit Project
predictating water contaminaton
try to find out the flow of water contamination of the water sources and visualize the data Visit Project
Pipe by Pipe
Pipe by Pipe maps safe water source locations in relation to population density. Then it allows you to adopt pipeline, by the mile or by the foot, creating a massive crowdfunded chain of pipe that provides safe, lasting water access to the most needed areas. Visit Project
The project aquaping aims to deliver a mobile solution that increases the population participation by allowing the user to report water bodies in risk of contamination by different sources, so that surrounding communities become aware of the situation and take the proper measures. Depending on... Visit Project

Predicting Water Contamination