Hashtag= #solarflare
Location: The Sun
Episodic solar activity has a number of effects that are of interest to us. A radiation dose from energetic particles is an occasional hazard for astronauts and for electronics on satellites. Geomagnetic field disturbances may damage power systems, disrupt communications, degrade high-tech navigation systems, or create the spectacular aurora (Northern and Southern lights). Space weather can disrupt satellite operations, navigation, electric power, radio communications, geophysical exploration and much more.
Challenge Description:
Create a physical or virtual representation of these invisible (to the human eye) phenomena that can affect so many vital terrestrial activities.
Functional Specifications:
Use data from STEREO (Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory) to inform the creation of a physical object that displays solar activity. A creative example would be a glass ball of yellow light that changed subtly to give indication of solar activity.
Alternatively, you may create a piece of software or visualization that utilized STEREO data to represent invisible solar phenomena.
http://stereo.ssl.berkeley.edu/multistatus.phpCurrent solar data via STEREO
STEREO Location
Current location of STEREO -
Solar Monitor
Live space weather activity
Aurora Watch
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The following projects are solving this challenge:
how to see the Sun's invisible effects on earth
rapresentation of the solar effects on Earth. Visit Project
solar flare umng
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Go On
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--- ### Full Description Inbound displays, in an abstract manner, the frequency Earth is bombarded by coronal mass ejections emanating from the Sun. Minimalist and modern, the display mounts to any wall to remind and inform people that solar activity has a constant and tangible impact on our ... Visit Project

Solar Flare