Hashtag= #NASAoss
Currently, NASA's Open Source projects live in a variety of formats across the internet, such as repositories on GitHub or Sourceforge or tarballs stored on NASA servers. NASA's GitHub presence is designed to be a central place for members of the public to access these projects. There is a desire, however, to keep many projects in their original homes and mirror them to github.com/nasa.
Challenge Description
Create an application that runs on a server or PaaS like Heroku and watches git or svn repositories as well as static files for changes, then mirrors those changes to http://github.com/nasa. This has a variety of uses, including open source mirrors for archival purposes, synchronizing multiple disparate assets, and so on.
Functional Specifications
When a change is made, it mirrors that to a Git repository on NASA's GitHub account, allowing us to keep a current track of all NASA open source projects in one place. The software must run independently of any tracked assets -- you can’t assume to have command line access to any of the repositories tracked.
http://code.nasa.govThis is a repository of all open source projects at NASA, regardless of where they live (sourceforge, github, etc).
http://github.com/nasaNASA's Github account
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The following projects are solving this challenge:
Two way synchronization for multiple code repository services. Visit Project
Black Mirror
Synching all of the nasa open source repositories to github using awesome magic hacks. Visit Project
web site devlopment
This is a regular paragraph. <table> <tr> <td>Foo</td> </tr> </table> This is another regular paragraph. Visit Project
automatic change iss shape and size and with gravity
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nasa open source project page scraper: aggregator of nasa's open source code across multiple sources (nasa's open source website, github, apache svn, sourceforge) and combining them into one easy to browse repository. We are addressing the problem of having code that is distributed across mul... Visit Project
Cures for deadly diseases
Why not implement a new program in order to achieve IIS or eradicate this global problem and so life on earth much better, testing padecientes patients with x disease and find a cure, just because they study from space the sea and bring more technology into space to see the bottom of this and tak... Visit Project
A program which can sync any number of repositories/code archives to a github account, creating a repository for each. Supported formats currently planned are tar, tar.gz, tgz, svn, jar, zip, git, and svn with support for more in the future (murcurial, cvs, etc...). Visit Project
Information pool
Dear Sirs ‘I’ would like to share in a project of creating a new information system, for processing real Time Data. To do this one must look at the way we process information by way of algorithm, if one looks at information process by way, X O SYSTEM as it is used now. Is more than possible to... Visit Project
Posseggo una struttura di mia proprietà con appezzamento di terra di fianco che posso mettere a disposizione in maniera perenne per l'osservazione dello spazio da una buona posizione geografica ( Vallefiorita viale magna grecia n.31 88050 (cz) italia ) posseggo una connessione adsl , e di una sp... Visit Project
The Versioning Goat
While most software projects make use of a versioning system, there are a few holdouts that release static source archives only. Enter Edward The Versioning Goat. He retrieves static source archives and checks in any changes to Git. This project makes use of: * GitHub API (to create reposi... Visit Project
About Sync ========= Sync project aims to concentrate a very large diversity of open source projects, placed over the internet and stored in different ways, (i.e. git or svn repositories, tarballs, etc.) in one location, working as a project directory where people around the globe can find ou... Visit Project
SpaceHub: Send Your Projects into Orbit ======================================= SpaceHub is a hosted source management service that simplifies the management of projects. Project administrators can mirror projects stored in a variety of version control systems into one central GitHub account ... Visit Project
A.A. Astronaut Assistance
for this project we want to build A Micro Robot that attached to Astronaut's Cloth. this robot can hear Sounds and Think about theme ! for such tools we need to run Voice Processing and Speech Recognition for hearing the sounds, then we need to get ability of Speaking. we need Two Large Databas... Visit Project

Syncing NASA Open Source Projects