Hashtag= #whyweexplore
You hear a lot about the how and what of NASA operations, but very rarely do you hear about the the "why." Tell the “why” of space exploration through the creation of compelling narratives and visualizations of the stories and data from NASA's history.
Challenge Description
Tell the “why” of space exploration through the creation of compelling narratives and visualizations of the stories and data from NASA's history. The best entries will go on the Why Explore Space page.
Functional Specifications
This is an open-ended design challenge. The only requirement is that your project is in the form of a presentation, video, or infographic, not to exceed 2 minutes.
The Challenge can cover any topic but some particularly useful ones would be:
- Why humans explore
- NASA Human Exploration - The Flexible Path
- NASA Human Exploration – The Capabilities Driven Approach
- ISS - Benefits To Humanity
- ISS – A Gateway to Human Exploration
- Current research on ISS
- NASA Engagement/Challenge/Competition/Engagement
- Why Humans Should Explore Asteroids
- Why Humans Should Explore Cis-Lunar Space Why Humans Should Explore the moon
- Why Humans Should Explore Mars
Why We Explore Space
Example presentation
http://www.slideshare.net/skytland/why-the-moon-presentation"Why the Moon"
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The following projects are solving this challenge:
Why ?
- Editing videos others projects: Hitch a ride to mars/aligning the stars/reading by starlight/back for the stars - Editing software - simple mission concept document Visit Project
A buggy project... it should be deleted
A buggy project... it should be deleted. Visit Project
Cogito, ergo sum (I think, therefore I am)
Curiosity and compassion for humanity are both part of our human nature. We explore not for the present, but for our future. Call this number to hear the message from our pioneer: 917-525-5290 Visit Project
(Don't) Stop Motion
We are focusing on the international side of the subject, also believing that it is important for everybody to understand our video; that's way we made it simple and funny. Visit Project
The "Why" of Exploration
A presentation meant to present our interpretation of the question "Why do we explore space?" and motivate other people to take up exploration (of any kind) - be it space exploration, geo-exploration, etc. Visit Project
Crowdsourced collection of video, images, thoughts and opinions on why we explore. It allows anyone to share a Youtube or Vimeo video, Powerpoint, OpenOffice or PDF presentation, JPG or PNG image, plain text or audio. It also allows anyone to comment and vote on uploaded content, plus content wil... Visit Project
Exploration as a part of our daily life
Exploring is what makes us human and it is an everyday activity. There are some rare moments, though, when we feel braver than usual, we have enough energy and less fear and we commence huge projects that could make life on the planet happier for all of us. Visit Project
Why We Explore: a Flexible Path
An infographic for the "Why We Explore" page 04-22-13 Edit: Corrected Credits Visit Project
Radiation Bach
This app is made to imagine the extraterrestrial life who firstly encounterd the earth life systems. It is well known that Voyager spacecrafts include abord records which contain sounds and images of life on the earth. They are becoming the first manmade object to leave the Solar System at th... Visit Project
Ad Infinitum
An inspiration video on the vastness of space using generative algorithms. By visualizing the vastness of space we can understand the challenge and possibility of why we should explore. It can also be a tool to describe the data that is generated by science projects all around the Globe. This ... Visit Project
OU Space Week
A group of 6 students put on a campaign to make NASA and ISS relevant and "cool" to college students around the University of Oklahoma campus. To reach this goal we put on a week-long series of events during the week of April 15-19. At all of these events we passed out fact sheets about NASA and ... Visit Project
A World Of Discovery
Exploration is in our headspace. Visit Project
Across the sea of space
The need for exploration Visit Project
Why We Explore Mars
With this project we are trying to awaken curiosity for knowledge of the people towards the exploration, the presentation will be done showing the because of why we have an interest in the exploration of Mars, giving multiple reasons and expanding the knowledge of the people of mars. Visit Project
Dreams of Humanity
Presentación web Animada-Interactiva sobre las preguntas de la exploración espacial. Visit Project
Integrated Communication System : "DESTINY"
Integral communication system from NASA to encompass the contents different information and scientific and technological advances that NASA provides to humanity, and clasificate and order to find the best channel and adecuate way to how communicate, is a prototype platform and product web that is... Visit Project
This project is built to allow registered users uploading, sharing, commenting and voting specific files related to the Why We Explore challenge based on a question list. Visit Project
Within this project, we delve into the human psyche to hopefully find out gives us the need to know more, to push our boundaries and to explore. By doing so, we hope to engage and educate people in a context that they will find relevant to their lives. Visit Project
why should we explore?
Our two minutes video is an answer to the challenge "Why We Explore" This is an answer that represents several reasons that explains why is it so important to explore space. And why exploring moved from being a matter to satisfy the human curiosity to become a real need in today's life. Visit Project
OU Space Week Infographic
With the end of the shuttle program, NASA has struggled to remain at the top of mind among large proportions of the United States population. As part of our senior capstone course, Public Relations Campaigns, at the University of Oklahoma, our team was challenged by NASA to generate excitement ab... Visit Project
Why? The Explorable Story
The story has been written especially for the International Space Apps Challenge 2013 as one solution to the Why We Explore challenge and will be turned into an explorable story (online internet linked picture book/app/presentation). Its aim is to introduce young children (especially girls, as th... Visit Project
Why PopPR collaborates
We set out to explain all that has gone into planning the International Space Apps Challenge 2013 on the University of Oklahoma campus. Visit Project
Are We Alone
Why We Explore Space. Human Space Exploration. Humanity's interest in the heavens has been universal and enduring. Humans are driven to explore the unknown, discover new worlds, push the boundaries of our scientific and technical limits, and then push further. The intangible desire to ex... Visit Project
We created a video to describe 4D Space. We used our native Greek language. We really enjoyed this challenge. All spices on earth are astronauts from the day they were born and space is their natural environment. We explore because we need to preserve our existence. Thank you NASA International S... Visit Project
Check out videos from around the World: http://www.whyweexplore.tk/en/ Take a video. Upload it to youtube like this: #whyweexplore Watch it here: http://www.whyweexplore.tk/en/ . We as humans have always felt the need to explore and to discover new horizons. But what is leading us t... Visit Project
Essays And Adventures
A few essays and adventures written by attendees from Space Apps Manila and Dungeon Innovations. Visit Project
The Battle of Indifference
The Battle of Indifference is a film which tackles a philosophical approach to explaining why we explore space. Space is indifferent to mankind, but it is in our nature as humans to care. Creation: The 3D space ship used in the film was created and animated using Autodesk Maya 2013 from re... Visit Project
Marsface Project (宇宙文明発見チーム)
We find Human face at Moon and Mars by Alien recognition Computer Vision systems. We find traces of civilization at Moon and Mars. We think it is proved that the universe was created by our flying spaghetti monster. We have the support of GeofaceProject by Kazutaka Kurihara(the Ig Nobel Pr... Visit Project
Why We Explore: The Musical
dddddd Visit Project
Exploration is our future
Exploring our planet help us to colocate in a context our Earth. It make us wonder about things like: Why Mars is a cold, dry and poor in oxygen and dead? Why Earth has the right conditions to harbor human beings?. By exploring we can get the answers of these questions. That help us to understand... Visit Project
Road to the Stars
*The concept* The Road to the Stars maps out the pathway that humans have traveled as they have ventured further and further into the solar system. It makes visual this amazing journey and shows where we have gotten to, how we got there, and what we learned along the way. And it names each of th... Visit Project
Why we explore
Our video addresses one of the challenges: Why we explore. In our video we present the reason we think humans have been driven to explore, and that reason is Curiosity. With this we want to show people in a fun and creativity way how exploration and curiosity are connected. It is the reason we h... Visit Project

Why We Explore