The GCC region's first 'space' focused "tech marathon" (hackathon), the International Space Apps Challenge 2013 Abu Dhabi sponsored by ADWEA, will be a creative non-stop 48 hour hack-fest drawing in creative tech talent from across the nation for high-octane coding, design, and development for applications destined for smartphones, tablets, and the web! The event is being produced by the Arab Youth Venture Foundation and supported by the U.S. Department of State.
From 12:01am! Friday, April 19th to 11:59pm, Saturday, April 20th, students from leading schools across the UAE such as Khalifa University, NYU AD, Masdar Institute, and UAEU will form a large base of dynamic participation. Stay tuned as this space develops!
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Projects Nominated for Global Judging
Projects Receiving Local Awards
- DisCoS
The following projects were worked on at Space Apps Challenge Abu Dhabi:

Abu Dhabi
ADWEA Complex