The International Space Apps Challenge is an international hackathon that will take place over a 48 hour period on the weekend of 20-21 April 2013. Hackathons are technology development marathons that draw on the talents and initiative of bright minded and anyone with a passion and desire to have an immediate impact on the world.El International Space Apps Challengee es un hackathon internacional con una duracion de 48 horar el fin de semana del 20 al 21 de abril del 2013. El hackathon es un maraton donde compiten talentos e iniciativas que puedan impactar de manera inmediata nuestro mundo.
Projects Nominated for Global Judging
Culichi's Rover
Vivero Marciano
Projects Receiving Local Awards
1er lugar - Vivero Marciano
2do lugar - Culichi's Rover
The following projects were worked on at Space Apps Challenge Culiacán:
