The venue will have all necessary technological aspects, including private repositories for the collaborating groups. The challenge will be hosted in the CCEW, Center for the Creation of Economic Wealth on the University of Oklahoma's campus. There will be plenty of room for participants to spread out and group together in this venue. Being at a university, many students, professionals and professors will be involved in the challenges. There will be prizes for the winners and snacks provided throughout the 48 hour challenge.
Breakdown of the event
Friday, April 19- Kick-Off event at CCEW
Saturday, April 20- CCEW 9 a.m.- 9 p.m.
Sunday, April 21- CCEW 9 a.m.- 6 p.m. followed by awards ceremony beginning at 7 p.m. at Gaylord College.
Follow us on our social media sites!
Facebook: 2013 Nasa Space Apps Challenge- Norman, OK
Twitter: @spaceappsok
15 challenges offered at venue:
Backyard Poultry FarmerCuriosity at homeWish you were hereHitch a ride to MarsESA 3D Printing ContestThe Blue MarbleTour of the MoonOpen ROVLego Rovers'No Delays" Air Traffic ManagementMy Space CalIncentives tied to Utility ratesRenewable Energy ExplorerSoil Testing KitEarth From Space
Challenges being worked on this weekend:
Why we Explore
Hitch a Ride to Mars
Reach for the Stars
Earth Day Challenge
Projects Nominated for Global Judging
Discovery Mars
Oklahoma To Mars
Projects Receiving Local Awards
First Place - Oklahoma To Mars
Second Place - Discovery Mars
University of OklahomaMap it201 David L. Boren Blvd., Suite 200 Norman, Oklahoma
University of Oklahoma
Norman, Oklahoma
United StatesTime
The following projects were worked on at Space Apps Challenge Norman:

University of Oklahoma