The International Space Apps Challenge is a two day hackathon where developers, engineers, scientists, and space enthusiasts collaborate to solve problems selected by NASA that address global needs for both life on Earth and life in space.
The local event brings together high school students, university students, and working professionals to collaborate on the various challenges.
Special arrangements have been made to provide participants working on the hardware challenges with access to laboratory facilities where they will gain access to various tools to help in the process.
Challenges at Winnipeg:
What to bring:
- Laptop
- Extension cords/power strip (optional)
- Snacks for overnight programmers
- Extra supplies recommended for Ardusat challenge:
- Arduino UNO
- Magnetometer, Freescale MAG3110
- Gyroscope InvenSense's ITG-3200
- Accelerometer Analog Devices ADXL345
- Infrared Temperature Sensor Melexis MLX90614
- Temperature Sensor TI TMP 102
- Geiger Counter Libelium Geiger counter
- Luminosity Sensor TI TSL2561
- Spectrometer MySpectral Spectruino
- Camera C439 Serial JPEG Camera
Equipment provided:
- Oscilloscopes
- Signal generators
- Logic/protocol analyzers
- Assorted passive components (resistors, capacitors)
- LEDs (assorted colors)
- Jumper wires
- Breadboards
Food provided:
- Breakfasts (coffee & donuts), supper (pizza & pop) provided.
- Participants are to provide their own lunch
Event Schedule:
- Saturday, April 20, 2013
- 9:00 - 10:00 - Registration
- 10:00 - 10:20 - Opening ceremonies
- 10:20 - 10:45 - Challenges overview
- 10:45 - 12:00 - Form teams and start working
- 12:00 - 13:30 - Lunch
- 13:30 - 18:30 - Work time
- 18:30 - 19:30 - Dinner
- 19:30 - 22:00 - Work time
- 22:00 - overnight - Work time (optional)
- Sunday, April 21, 2013
- 10:00 - 10:30 - Breakfast
- 10:30 - 13:00 - Work time
- 13:00 - 14:00 - Lunch
- 14:00 - 15:30 - Finishing touches
- 15:30 - 16:00 - Local judging
- 16:00 - 17:00 - Winners announced
Projects Nominated for Global Judging
Living on Mars
ArduIMU V4
Projects Receiving Local Awards
1st Place Space Apps Winnipeg - Living on Mars
2nd Place Space Apps Winnipeg - ArduIMU V4
The following projects were worked on at Space Apps Challenge Winnipeg:

University of Manitoba