This project is solving the Dark Side of the Moon challenge.

A scientific website for lunar image processing and comparison of data from different lunar missions.

There have been numerous moon missions, which have taken myriad images. Comparing the most processed images [1] has numerous advantages: - Comparing images taken between different times allows changes, such as new craters, to be identified - Comparing images between missions allows intercalibration, to make sure the calibration of high-level data has been done correctly

We aim to provide a website which allows users to choose small areas on the moon, and compare them between missions. This could be integrated in a citizen science project, like Galaxy Zoo (, allowing (say) a project to count and seleno-locate [ :) ] craters on the moon, as well as providing more detailed information (e.g. brightness histograms) of use to researchers.

Classifying craters (where they are, and how big) is the sort of task that is tricky to perform algorithmically, and easy to do with (willing!) citizen scientists - they can just look at our image of changes between two images (where impacts have caused new craters to appear in one image), and drag circles to indicate where the new craters are, and how big they are.

[1] high-level products, where effects such as calibration issues, terrain, and solar zenith angle have all been corrected for; this would be L3 images in an earth context

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Project Information

License: GNU General Public License
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Citizen science project: Galaxy Zoo -