This project is solving the Renewable Energy Explorer challenge.

Renewable energy is that energy comes from different sources such as sunlight, wind, rain, waves and geothermal heat. This energy presents 16% from the global energy used in our world which will be more of this percentage in the future. For sure this value will be multiplied in the nearest future. This other makes many people search about various information in order to have a background about it to facilitate the development of this energy. Unfortunately, they face many problems such as finding a huge number of separated and unordered information and here our group comes to eliminate these problems by creating an application which makes the access directly and easily to look for Agencies, associations, new events, research centers, renewable stations, current and future projects in all countries. The main idea is to create global clear renewable energy map. Our application is available now in NasaChallenge website Finally, we are thinking about developing this project to be available for smartphones and tablets.

Project Information

License: GNU General Public License
Source Code/Project URL:
