This project is solving the Deployable Greenhouse challenge.

SymbioTEK specializes in R&D of symbiotic systems which consist of living organisms and artificial parts. SymbioTEK advances the way we see technology and helps the environment by combining plants or microbes and technology into a symbiotic system. SymbioTEK develops a combination of Green and White Biotechnology systems in conjunction with Electronics and Informatics that are eco-friendly and energy efficient.

In other words the development of eco-friendly, energy friendly/efficient hybrid symborgs (Symbiotic Organisms).

What is needed is to genetically advance a certain "simple" plant to produce more energy through the photosynthesis and harness the power of the extra energy in such a way to charge Li-Ion batteries for instance or generate power on-demand.

What we look for is to gain the 15% - 21% percentage of the monocrystalline solar power panels (photo-voltaic panels). Maybe we can push these limits through the re-engineering of the microbes in the flowerpot or add physical acids like these in the lemons.

The last part is how NOT to loose too much energy into the transformation process from the physical domain to the electronics domain.

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Project Information

License: Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0


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