Hashtag= #curiosityathome
Location: Mars. Their imaginations stirred by what might happen during the “7 minutes of terror” (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ki_Af_o9Q9s), more than 3.2 million people watched the nail-biting descent of the Curiosity Rover live onto the Red Planet. 1.2 million people regularly follow Curiosity’s adventures via Twitter (https://twitter.com/MarsCuriosity). And almost all of us wished that we were there. How can we connect people at home to what’s happening with the rover? (Other than great satiric accounts like https://twitter.com/SarcasticRover).
Challenge Description:
Bring awareness of the Curiosity Rover’s activities down to earth. Foster a connection between citizens and the rover through software, visualizations, or a remote or app-controlled "home rover" that connects people to Mars and the Mars Rover, educating them and encouraging Mars enthusiasm.
Functional Specifications:
There are multiple ways this challenge could be addressed. Here are a few examples:
- A site with a history of the rover’s mission and updates on its current activities. Encourage users of the site to submit written compositions and drawings for sharing.
- Map the motion and discoveries of the rover to the earth (Curiosity has just moved the equivalent of 5 blocks down main street, etc.).
- A Mars Rover Model (possibly a Lego Mindstorms mini model) that connects people mentally to Mars. This rover could replicate the movements of curiosity, show photos the rover has taken, and physically resemble the Mars rover.
Data feeds for Sols 1-90 of Mars Curiosity
http://geo.pds.nasa.gov/missions/msl/index.htmAll public instrument data.
Photos of Dundee prototype with Electric Imp code
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The following projects are solving this challenge:
a remote or app-controlled "home rover" Visit Project
Mars Educational Kit for Catizins
The Challenge: Bring awareness of the Curiosity Rover’s activities down to earth. Foster a connection between citizens and the rover through software, visualizations, or a remote or app-controlled "home rover" that connects people to Mars and the Mars Rover, educating them and encouraging Mars en... Visit Project
A small model of the original Curiosity Rover that will be able to detect obstacles, sense life. Further extensions will be done if time permits. Life-sensing by capacitance sensing. Three wheeled model (two stepper motor drive). Visit Project
Mars Rover Coders
Visualise the path of the mars rover and photos and other data collected Visit Project
We designed a prototype of curiosity, robot sent by NASA to explore Mars, to analyze the environmental conditions that occur there, according to the above, the prototype has held a video camera to transmit real-time sensor temperature and proximity, this for the purpose of illustrating what the p... Visit Project
Hooking up the data api's from curiosity on mars to a web app or even lego rovers that can do some actions based on the incoming data. Visit Project
Curiosity in kathmandu
Curiosity Rover at Mars --A robot that imitates and acts like what is being done in mars but the fun fact is we really are on Earth. A demonstration for the awareness of mars activities in earth. how people can communicate using both internet and automatic control. how you can control in emer... Visit Project
Curiosity at UG
This project aims to give the closest possible experience to the mission of Curiosity on Mars, so that allows us to explore: Obstacle detection, real-time video, detection and analysis of objects in addition to trace the route that followed, and so on. Visit Project
An android app enabling users with a history of the rover’s mission and updates on its current activities. Visit Project
C.O.M.H- Curiosity Orienteering Map Hunt
We are going to take the location data from the rover and map that to a real map on the earth, that will print out Orienteering directions for kids to use to learn how Orienteering works. Then we'll map the orienteers activities to what curiosity did on a give day i.e. take a pic, measure temp. Y... Visit Project
MegaEspion-BOT is a quadruped robot who can be control by internet with an Iphone or smartphone . MegaEspion-BOT has 1 camera for 3d view , an Arduino connected to an Ethernet shield Arduino . The robot has 8 servomotors , an battery of 7,4 V for the alimentation and one Arduino Mega mounted o... Visit Project
Rover web
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Tracking Curiosity
A web app that tracks and displays information about Curiosity over time. http://kshepard.github.io/tracking-curiosity/ Visit Project
designing other planets
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Curiosity in Kathmandu Nepal
We are trying to do is create awareness among the people around the globe what exactly curiosity mars has been doing in Mars. What we have done is built our very own Nepalese Curiosity which can run on any kind of surfaces since it is All Terrain rover. Apart from this there is a camera which ... Visit Project
iCurious ChatBot: Instant Message with a Distant Messenger
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We Are Curios
This project has **two goals** : * Create a small lego version of curiosity that can simulate all the actions of the Mars rover in "real-time". * Publish a set of RESTful Web Services that allow other developers to manipulate the MLS (Mars Science Laboratory) datas on Curiosity, and easily in... Visit Project
The Space Challenge Game
A practical and teaching medium to reach a global impact public at all ages, in order to generate interest, curiosity, and enthusiasm for, all those missions, and developments carried out by NASA, and which often are totally unknown by the general public. We aim to design a game, where the exper... Visit Project
[email protected] is a cooperative game aimed at interesting the public to the operations of Curiosity on Mars. With this game, the players will experience the daily work of scientists and engineers in charge of curiosity operations. The objective is two-fold: - Increase the interest of the publ... Visit Project
Curiosity in Nepal
We are trying to create awareness among the people around the globe what exactly curiosity mars has been doing in Mars. What we have done is built our very own Nepalese Curiosity which can run on any kind of surfaces since it is All Terrain. Apart from this there is a camera which is situat... Visit Project
Phobos is a dynamic web page for visualizing Curiosity's every phase from past to the future. In Phobos, you get the latest news from Curiosity. Everything from twitter feed to sensor data, beautifully visualized for your exploring needs. Phobos consist of couchDB (db & api) and frontend.... Visit Project
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Hello, Curiosity!
## Hello, curiosity! This project is solving the Curiosity at Home challenge in the International Space Apps Challenge, led by the NASA. ## Core team * Glauber Magalhães * Silas Monteiro * Joselito Jr. * Fernando Jr. * Gustavo Pinto {[email protected]} ## Challenge Description: ... Visit Project
Chillin' On Mars
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i have taken the Curiosity challenge by creating a blog where Curiosity posts musings on his daily life. its live now and I hope to have enough content to do a presentation tomorrow in ATL at the Big Nerd Ranch. http://curiosityrover.mpresence.net/ I am an artist inspired by the possibilities ... Visit Project
juego curiosity
The advertising Department of the Mission has been trying to achieve this goal. In our research, we found numerous resources provided by NASA, from images and videos of excellent resolution to interactive games online. As it is the guided tour online "Explore curiosity home" (http://mars.jpl.nasa... Visit Project

Curiosity at Home