Hashtag= #reachforthestars
On August 28, 2012, students, scientists and officials at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California gathered for the premiere of will.i.am's latest track "Reach for the Stars" after it was transmitted from Mars by the Curiosity rover. For the first time in history, a song was beamed back to Earth from another planet!
“Reach for the Stars” is about will.i.am’s passion for science, technology and space exploration. The song is part of a larger initiative through his i.am.angel Foundation to inspire young people to cultivate their interests in S.T.E.M (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math).
will.i.am says: “If it wasn’t for the work that NASA did, we wouldn’t have the computers that we have today. For us to continue to advance, it’s important to give today’s youth all the skill sets they will need to innovate, in order for tomorrow to be just as robust as it is today. It’s my new mission now to use my music and my career to inspire the youth of the world to pursue success in STEM.”
Challenge Description:
How do we get more kids interested in science and space exploration? will.i.am and his i.am.angel Foundation challenge you to create an app for kids, to inspire more youth participation in space exploration, and to encourage the development of STEM skills.
Functional Specifications:
This is an open-ended challenge - we want you to be creative in how to engage kids with S.T.E.M.! At a minimum, this app should:
- Be aimed at youth
- Incorporate real science and/or data related to space
- Encourage users to further develop their STEM skills
- Be fun!
Kids love games, so think about an app that includes gaming elements (although it's not required for this challenge). Here are some sample ideas:
- A game that teaches about the Big Bang
- A game to design and customize your own space shuttles
- A game where users can create virtual colonies on Mars and maintain them (incorporating data from the Curiosity Rover)
- A platform for crowdsourcing data analysis or data sorting from kids, using elements of gameplay
Behind the scenes with NASA "Reach for the Stars" video.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h47kXwM_6dE&feature=player_embeddedBehind the scenes with "Reach for the Stars."
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The following projects are solving this challenge:
Starry Sky
Space Adventure is a videogame about a character who destroys spacial rocks. Visit Project
Simiyu The Chicken
Chickens can't fly like birds, they have poor flight, and they can't fly high. They can fly over fences, or fly onto logs things like that. In this game, the player helps a chicken named Simiyu to jump on various logs and reach the stars. As the player achieves high altitude the game teaches him ... Visit Project
An engaging gamified platform and collection of fun activities and content suggested and developed by high school students to promote interest and develop passion for science, technology and space exploration. It will be coordinated by high school students of Collège Catts Pressoir at the Ecol... Visit Project
Kid in Space
An online/mobile platform that catalogues and allow online and leap motion interaction to explore NASA photos and to allow teachers and children to interact/learn via video conferencing Visit Project
A child and an adult are exciting. The samurai of the universe makes a game with space impact. The space game for an alien by an alien. Let's be exciting all together!! Visit Project
Big Bang Exploration
Big Bang Explorer is the project that concern on educating children on planet condition education. This game makes children on condition that He is exploring planet on milky way with all of it's unique condition depend on what planet He is on. Visit Project
A browser-based game in which you are supposed to "crash" a NASA space shuttle on a target by configuring the spaceship to your design before launching it from the ISS. Don't overshoot, or you'll miss the Kennedy runway (and at some point that will probably lead to an explosion of some kind!). ... Visit Project
The worlds outside
An application portal with game-like interface, describing the most interesting objects in space, like planets, stars... The project targets children with an attempt to provoke their interest in space. The idea is to implement an application in which a child can travel to different worlds(plan... Visit Project
A nice adventure game where the player makes his small world a better place, using science. Visit Project
Planet Lander
# Planet Lander We know how important is to get kids into STEM knowledge. That's why we are making a game about landing in other planets. It will be as real as we can get make it. In that way the kids will not just have fun, they will be learning about the many factors that take place to la... Visit Project
Red Mission
A game designed to teach school children about the risks and challenges of an hypothetical mission to Mars in early 21st century. The player assumes the role of mission control / ship captain, guiding the mission from Earth to Mars. The game presents both organizational challenges and challeng... Visit Project
Earth Savior
This a game of Armageddon-like mission, but, now, we have nothing on earth that can explode the coming comet. There's a limited time before the crush. There's a hope on Mars. Curiosity told us that there's a raw anti-matters there useful to save our Earth. Kids, this is your time! In this miss... Visit Project
webapplication *space shuttle gam *simulation on mars Visit Project
Spacerac.es is a fun, interactive game for elementary school children to build a real-life space mission from start to finish. Kids can pick their spaceship and payload and watch it all come together in an interactive and educational way! We plan to add extra features like mission success rates... Visit Project
Space Explorer - For the Kids
This game allows kids to take a tour of our solar system and explore the eight planets in their spaceship. Landing on a planet enables them to see some information about it. Hopefully, kids will have fun while learning about our solar system. Possible future extensions of this project could in... Visit Project
I'm not Dreaming !
I'm not dreaming is an 3D inter-active application developped under android that plunges children on the center of the universe . a beautifull Robot (called Robert ) is the guide of the child . At first of the application , a boy that represent the child is sleeping . in his dream he meet R... Visit Project
Fascinate our children riding a spaceship, building it and flying around our solar system. Kids (5 to 10) will go to our Spaceschool to become, step by step, astronauts or cosmonauts learning what space is, how the human space flight works and which skills they need to jump on a spaceship. This A... Visit Project
Swiss MOCCA ============= stands for *Swiss Mission Operations Center Capability Acquisition* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### Functional description This mobile app shall be used for real-time data visualisation of Cubesat housekee... Visit Project
Friki Scientists
Involucrar niños y jóvenes en la Ciencia Real, mediante su participación en un juego de “Misiones Espaciales”, y cuya nave será personalizada con proyectos que impliquen el desarrollo de habilidades en Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería y Matemáticas (STEM). Y obteniendo rangos de tripulación (liber... Visit Project
Make-a-Rocket Foundation
Kids’ ideas. Shaped by experts. Printed in 3D. ==================================== The Problem ---------------- Rocket science is hard. The Inspiration ------------------- But it's not impossible to explain! (Cf. http://xkcd.com/1133/) The Opportunity -------------------- Tap int... Visit Project
Android app done with the goal of rising the children interest in space. Visit Project
Synergy MoonBounce
This website/application combo introduces you to Moon Bounce communications or Earth-Moon-Earth, EME, bouncing radio signals off the moon! The activity enables you to encode and decode Slow Scan Television images, store and retrieve content for later transmission to the moon and back. It ... Visit Project
Go for IT
Synopsis Go for IT [IT stands for Interstellar Travel, you know] will be a web-based game, with extension apps for OS and Android Systems. It will be mainly oriented for kids, from 4 to almost 40 years [just like me!] and older. This game will runs over a real time simulation of our Solar ... Visit Project
Space Rovy
8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Ready for Takeoff The Curiosity rover is going to a new expedition through space, looking forward to explore and to obtain more information about our universe. But when our character was heading to his objective an asteroid shower hit the engine of the space shuttle, fo... Visit Project
Rocket Launch
Introduction ========== We aim to develop a game for mobile and desktop platforms in which kids learn about rockets and satellites by launching rockets into outer space. The game has two components: an educational part, in which they are presented with information about satellites, rockets an... Visit Project
Augmented Solar System
Augmented Solar system is an educational application that is designed to teach kids tabout our solar system. Through creating an entertaining and interactive application we hope to promote space exploration, generate awareness about what NASA does and educate people. The project contains 2 app... Visit Project
[email protected] - (will.i.Reach)
The long term vision of this is to implement augmented reality to the conventional studying used in primary and secondary schools and later universities here in Kenya to enhance the way students learn and to inspire their imagination.The plans for this have begun through talks with the Vice Chanc... Visit Project
Crowdsourcing Web application which helps to create and deliver media content. Uploaded by the kids for the kids with a S.T.E.M. approach. At the same time have the opportunity to win cool prices. Visit Project
Discovery Mars
Our team is making a app that will let you colonize mars. You will have to get water, food, and research the mars landscape. You will be able to grow your colony over many locations. The research the rovers find will allow you to earn money which you can use to buy more green houses,and drills e... Visit Project
 Rendez-Vous is an iPhone games that tries to show the importance of the several launching parameters of satellites. By playing the game, the user gets familiar with initial speeds and directions to place satellites into orbit.... Visit Project
el tiempo realidad o ficción.
lenguaje español hacer una aplicación dirigida a jóvenes y niños,para despertar el interés en el universo y se den cuenta que su mente no solo debe de estar centrada en la tierra,si no, que en el espacio hay cosas interesantes que pueden cambiar su perspectiva de ver nuestro mundo. English ... Visit Project

Reach For the Stars