Hashtag= #tourthemoon
- Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) is NASA’s first planetary mission with instruments fully dedicated to education and public outreach.
- While the twin GRAIL satellites orbited the Moon to learn more about its gravity and interior composition, MoonKAM (Moon Knowledge Acquired by Middle school students) gave students a unique opportunity to snap their own images of the Moon’s surface using cameras on board the spacecraft. It is led by Sally Ride Science—the science education company founded by Dr. Sally Ride, America's first woman in space—in collaboration with undergraduate students at the University of California, San Diego.
- The GRAIL satellites captured thousands of images during their yearlong mission. Take this educational experience to the next level by allowing students to interact with these images.
Challenge Description:
Create an application for the Web and/or an Android mobile device (or other open-source mobile platform) that will allow users to take an interactive tour of the Moon. Overlay MoonKAM images onto 3D-generated lunar topography using available information. Once the image is displayed on the Moon model, identify the lunar features in the image, such as craters, unique locations such as lunar landing sites, etc. This application is intended primarily for educational use but will be accessible to the general public.
As an added challenge, allow users to display the most recent GRAIL Gravity Data and to place a spacecraft in orbit around the to see how their spacecraft is affected by the variations in gravity. Social media features can also be built into the app to allow users to share their comments, edits, and favorite images and locations.
Functional Specifications:
You may utilize existing platforms, such as Google Moon, to accomplish this goal. Below are some features, including many that do not exist in current platforms.
Minimum features:
- Interactive 3D model of the Moon
- Ability to overlay MoonKAM images onto the model based on associated latitude and longitude information for each image
- Allow images to be annotated within the application
- Latitude- and longitude-based search
- Ability to display images over a certain time period
- Allow a spacecraft flyby over selected terrain
- Show Gravity overlay
- Ability to use a sliding time scale to show various images of the same location taken over time
Possible additional features:
- Social media features to allow users to share images, notes, flybys, and comments. Allow users to rate images.
- Allow users to search for key landmarks and identify individual landmarks (e.g., craters, landing sites)
- Auto-identify craters, lunar features, landing sites, etc.
- Ability to determine scale of images and distances between locations
- Build in avatar support for users
GRAIL Gravity Data
http://geo.pds.nasa.gov/missions/grail/default.htmAvailable via the Planetary Data System.
GRAIL Gravity Data News Release and Gravity Map
GRAIL Gravity Map
http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/grail/multimedia/pia16587.htmlIsn't it amazing that we can map the gravity of the moon without even being on it? :)
Google Moon
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The following projects are solving this challenge:
On the Moon
Places in Moon is a Web application that will allow users to take an interactive tour of the Moon. Users will be able to view different lunar locations such as craters or landing sites. Also they can search different places on the moon and view pictures of respective places based on latitudes an... Visit Project
3D Moon from Elevation Image
This is a quick application I created that takes in a gray-scale elevation image and then procedurally produces a sphere and alters the vertexes to map the elevation data. This produces a 3D model of the moon. This has then been extended to render only current visible segments of the moon, rea... Visit Project
Lunar Travel Agency
We aim to develop a web application to provide an itinerary for a Moon trip as travel agencies. The itinerary includes a realistic travel time predicted from the spacecraft orbit design and information of tourist attractions with maps and images taken by spacecraft so far. We hope that users ... Visit Project
The Dark Side of The Moon-Craft
This project is a process for importing and exploring topographical maps of the Moon in the popular game Minecraft. Visit Project
Feel the Moon Gravity - Kinect App
Have you ever dreamed to be on the moon ? have you ever thought how cool will be walking there with 6 times less gravity ? have you ever thought how high you can jump on the moon ? We have dreamed it to, and now creative team of X-TECH is working on the app, with the help of Microsoft Kinect Devi... Visit Project
Tour Nasa Ufro Temuco
This project is solving the Tour of the Moon challenge. This project will allow people to take a tour moon from anywhere in the world and encourage exploration. Users can explore real geographical spaces, driving a spaceship, board a lunar rover, experience a meteor shower, get information of ... Visit Project
Moon Tour
A hack that sets up a web application to enable humans word wide to 'tour' the Moon. This application is intended to be accessible to the general public for educational use. Uses NASA data and makes it accessible. [See a video of our Hack](http://vimeo.com/64477718 "Title") [And another](htt... Visit Project
Moon Apps4u
# Introduction Moon Apps4u is designed for mobile browsers all the way up to desktop browsers. There are now 6 billion mobile phones in existence, and just over a billion PCs, so in order to reach out to a wider audience, we developed a Virtual Tour of the Moon that you can access from a ... Visit Project
The aim of this application is to give users a more intuitive and tactile way of looking at the moon. The Leap Motion sensor provides a gestural interface to navigating the moon and viewing its surface features and locations of previous NASA moon landings. If you have a Leap Motion sensor, you... Visit Project

Tour of the Moon