Hashtag= #welovedata
- This open ideation challenge will create a large-scale virtual community dialogue to “think outside of the box” on ways we can engage and use spaceflight data - and local experiments on how to make that tangible. There is a certain thrill that you feel when you know that you are connected to something. From our earliest use of technology to synchronise and connect our communities we have used simple interactions to inform people. Whether it was a bell from a place of worship to call people to prayer, or a siren to warn of danger, a phone ringing or a doorbell chiming - these indicators all provide connections to something bigger than us. Something that is about to happen. Something that we connect to.
- Can we then fall in love with data by using data to connect us to events in space? It could be that the International Space Station is overhead; it could be that a solar storm has exceeded a threshold; or that in space it is very very cold. Can we use simple physical interactions to connect us to data? Can we bring data a bit closer to us? Can we wear data? Or build jewellery that connects data to our skin? Can we adorn and decorate our lives with data from space?
Challenge Description:
How can we encourage people to interact with space data in new and meaningful ways, in effect promoting space enthusiasm, education, and a stronger human community? Can this be done on a global scale with universal appeal? Could such interactions also help tell the story of human conditions on Earth, such as climate change and poverty? What if we could simply connect everyone on the planet through new forms of interactivity?
Functional Specifications:
Open to interpretation but could include:
- A boutique microsite that leverages satellite images, photos, maps, and visualizations to tell the story of current human conditions around the world. Themes might include climate change, poverty, urbanization, and scient. The site’s usability and communicative power would strive towards universal appeal.
- An interactive tour of the universe, including Earth, that leverages space data and seeks to build a sense of human community via universal appeal.
- A mobile or web application that makes use of existing data -- including space data -- in new, creative, and engaging ways.
Results from Space Apps 2012
API information for NASA data
Flickr API services
Google API Explorer
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The following projects are solving this challenge:
Linking Space and Health
We, the ‘Linking Space and Health’ team, aim to develop a new health care information service that associates daily changes in our health condition to aerospace climate changes including the atmosphere and space as well. We first linked aerospace climate data to a GIS map, and then shared this li... Visit Project
Printing Space: Using 3D printing of digital terrain models in space education and research.
Data visualization is a core component of every scientific project; however, generation of physical models previously depended on expensive or labor-intensive molding, sculpting or laser sintering techniques. Physical models have the advantage of providing not only visual but also tactile modes ... Visit Project
Búsqueda de los mercados mas cercanos a su localización, para comparar los precios de sus productos y ofrecer la opción mas favorable para el usuario. Visit Project
Making the New Constellations Sets
This app is made to make the the constellations sets different from the ones by IAU. They are based on our own culture and history. Visit Project
Star Music
This app is a new music instrument for space lovers. Stars are shown on display, and when you touch the star, you would hear star sings. Stars would make a harmony as your finger moves. Sound loudness, pitch and tone color are defined based on properties of each star, e.g. spectral type, para... Visit Project
Lovable Wearable Data
###Storytelling: There are so many exoplanets discovered in the last years (around 2700 at the moment). These planets must really feel lonely after all this time without any company of really intelligent people like we are :-) So for this challenge we propose a garment that shows the data of t... Visit Project
Elusive Giants
Our project aims to build a data visualization that will use geo-data from the Kenya Wildlife Service and NASA geo-datasets to map elephants and assist in monitoring their existence in the era of massive poaching which endangers their species. This aspect of data visualization can also be used to... Visit Project
Earth Anomaly Detection-Visualisation
This Project make use of spatio-temporal climate data to detect the anomalous location and visualize it over the map . We use various statistical and data mining approach to accomplish this task . Technology Used : Java Web , Google Map API Database : MYSQL Data Downloaded from : University ... Visit Project
space-db.com - Collaborative Space Database
space-db is a rich, semantic, user contributed rocket launch, spacecraft, and launch event knowledge base. Its built on top of MediaWiki, the software which powers Wikipedia, with a Semantic and Data layer (Semantic Mediawiki plugin) to enable rich data querying and lightweight scripting. We have... Visit Project
What's Your Birthday Spacecraft?
Spacecraft is cool. Shooting stuff up into space is cool. You are cool too, and at some part in time you were born. Have you ever wondered what spacecraft was launched nearest your birthday? Maybe not, but aren't you curious now? For this project, I screen-scraped a list of spacecraft data an... Visit Project
More Play More Help
The main objective of the platform is to help Charities to obtain resources through the interaction of users around the world through an interactive game and by sponsoring companies, Visit Project
Redesigning NASA Sitemap
We take NASA's site itself as the fruits of their long-time exploration through space. If we can provide a new and more fun way to access the huge archive, it would help people re-discover NASA's wonderful achievements that are full of possibilities toward the future. So we attempt to redes... Visit Project
The CO2 Pollution has the challenge design a web page to show the CO2 emissions behavior of the latest years. From a data file obtained from a study by NOAA ESRL DATA, we obtained the data via FTP to parse with a script on python and displayed in a web page on javascript. Visit Project
We Love Data-Bogota
Esta aplicación permite hacer una representación novedosa de las condiciones sociales y económicas de los países del mundo, para esto se seleccionaron las variables de ingreso percapita mundial y el porcentaje de población alfabetizada haciendo uso de una herramienta de sobre-posición que permite... Visit Project
Leap Into Space
Use the Leap Motion controller ( https://www.leapmotion.com/ ) as age/background independent, human-friendly, natural way of interacting with spatial and space-related data and/or applications. In practical terms, given the time limit, it would be a custom built version of open source apps (like ... Visit Project
Precipitation Visualization
Visualize global precipitation data from NASA TRMM Microwave Imager satellite. Uses d3 from visualization in the browser. Data is extracted for NASA ftp archive and processed with Python scripts. Visit Project
Galactus 3D Planetary Orbit Simulator
Allows Users physically feel the difference in speeds of planets as they orbit the sun using a 3d simulator. Visit Project
Satellite-Observation-Forecast App
Since El Niño-Southern Oscillation was taken into close consideration by meteorologists in sixties last century, very small amount of scientific work was dedicated to the climate models’ design using global datasets and their cross-impact because of the huge lack of the global datasets, and signi... Visit Project
The objective of Sismographe project is to create a notification system that can alert to a wide number of mobile phones network's users on real time or even time before the effects of High Magnitude Seismic events occurs. The project also consider the integration with a hardware device or s... Visit Project
Angry Planets
What is Gravity? Gravity is something that we can't see or touch, but we feel its effects every day. To an expert scientist, Gravity is a force that is represented in figures in huge data sets of graphs and charts. Unlike an expert scientist, a lay person would often only know that it's ... Visit Project
A collaborative history of the Universe, the Earth and mankind in Twitter posts and Memes by its main characters, observers or narrators. Each tweet/meme is enhanced with geolocation, chronological information as well as pictures, videos and additional information. ##Timelines of Events Speci... Visit Project
Personal Cosmos
 ## Introduction * We’re surrounded by data, including data from space: satellite photographs, temperature readings and weather reports, remote sensing results from satellites sent up for environmental monitoring ... * However, this data isn'... Visit Project
People who are not interested in space do not seek information relating to it. Like offering a child sweet cereal that contains whole grains, we are offering a modern, "hip" approach to space content that offers an underlying layer of educational data. We accomplish this through multimedia conte... Visit Project
ISS Orbit Skirt
This project helps to show the orbit of the International Space Station (ISS) around our planet using a black skirt displaying an image of the earth. Using Lilypad Arduino and stitchable LED's, the flight will slowly light up around the skirt over a period of 91 min. until it reaches the approxi... Visit Project

We Love Data