The Space Apps Challenge Sofia event is organized through collaboration between experts and specialists from the software industry, academic community - Space Research and Technology Institute, Technical University – Sofia, State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, business -Telerik Software Academy, TrainSoft, EXL Service, NGOs - Space Challenges Bulgaria, JA Bulgaria , StartUP, the U.S. Embassy, and citizens. Telerik Software Academy for software engineers, the host organization for the Space Apps Challenge, is an initiative by the leading technology company Telerik. The Academy’s goal is to complement and expand the IT and software development education provided in Bulgarian schools and universities. By offering high-quality and free professional education, Telerik Academy aims to provide students with modern practical skills and essential theoretical knowledge, which will guarantee them a successful start to their careers within the software industry.
Projects Nominated for Global Judging
Projects Receiving Local Awards
First place - ChicksBook
Second place - GhOST
Third place - Moonville - Bootstraping of Space Industry
- Venue Website
- Sofia on Twitter
- Sofia on Facebook
- Photo Credit
- StreamLIVEvents
- Spaceappsofia Tumblr
- ustream spaceappssofia
The following projects were worked on at Space Apps Challenge Sofia:

Telerik Academy