This project is solving the Space Station Benefits to Humanity challenge.

The Problem:

Astronaut control of R2 (Robonaut) for debris mitigation and satellite parts salvage with installation to other satellites or spacecraft assembly. Repair of satellites can lower cost of distance education delivery by the wireless technology existing today. Space benefits the Earth and human conditions such as poverty and hunger that is one of the Millennium Cevelopment Goals of the United Nations.

The Solution:

Human (Astronaut) and HP or IBM Computer (Artificial Intelligence) interface with wireless linking is required. Computation of several vectors and reactions will provide task success. Sensor and remote action may at times be more complex and require Astronaut control of robotic actions at a distance with longer extravehicular activities (EVA). The sensors and communications would be extended with modest repairs on existing but in need of maintenance of the equipment in orbit. A cost savings for the extended benefits in Monitoring and Evaluation of on the ground projects. The "Three Legged Stool" approach is suggested. Space, Aerial and Ground based data (Big Data) is needed with Analytics. Actions in space with many iterations of vectors of debris will require strong computer processing. Artificial Intelligence is considered to be appropriate for this reason. Human - Machine interaction and control is sought. Syracuse University with their successful National Science Foundation program funded WiGiT program (wireless test bed) and advanced technology such as Leap Motion for computer actions would be ideal.

Syracuse University and Leap Motion are cooperators in this Space Apps Challenge. I have communicated with them.

Project Information

License: Common Development and Distribution License
Source Code/Project URL:


Regional Sustainable Energy Center of Excellence -
MB&A Robotways, Inc. -
MB&A Robotways, Inc. -