This project is solving the Lego Rovers challenge.

This plan is divided into three phases.

  1. Arduino connected to Lego Rover. Connected to a bluetooth module which is connected to the bluetooth of the laptop. This can be controlled using LabVIEW

  2. Arduino connected to Lego Rover. Connected to a bluetooth module which is connected to a free android app named Arduino Commander. This can be controlled using the application itself.

  3. Raspberry Pi connected to a Lego Rover. Programmed using NXT Python. Connected to a bluetooth module connected to a bluetooth module of a laptop with the same Arduino-Lego LabVIEW code running.

This project has not yet submitted a Source Code/Project URL

Project Information

License: Common Development and Distribution License


Arduino website -
National Instruments website (for LabVIEW) -
Arduino Commander download link (Android) -
Raspberry Pi -