Instead of building from the old Planet Hopper code, we created an new web application from scratch to visualize space in 3D and allow users to learn about stars, planets and asteroids as well as explore the known universe them self. We feel this is a more intuitive and fun way to learn about the universe and also gives endless of improvement possibilities to visualize and educate about the known universe to people of any age around the world. We have used Unity to create this web application. Using the HYG database we have been able to plot out over one hundred thousand stars, with relative distances to each other’s. We also added planets using the exoplanets database and asteroids using JPL database. Every star, planet and asteroid is clickable and can be navigated to. An alternative way to navigate is to type for example a name of a star in the search field to make the camera in the application travel to that star. Stars glows using different shaders which depend on the data gathered from the different databases. We also have planet and asteroids orbits plotted out based on the database information.

This project is solving the Exploring Asteroids: Planet Hopper challenge.


Explore our universe in this intuitive app created for both young and old. Soar through the star-filled void towards stars, asteroids, planets and all that our galaxy has to offer. Learn all about specific celestial bodies, search for those you want to see and we will take you there. Through Starhopper you will travel through space and time!

Project Information

License: LGPL
Source Code/Project URL:


HYG Database -
JPL Database -
Exoplanet Database -
StarHopper Webpage -