This project is solving the “Catch a Meteor” Tracker challenge.
WishMaker is an application to explore different meteor sightings' and help you 'make a wish' right on your mobile phone.
Business Objective
- Promote meteorite information and, in turn, the interest on sighting meteorites.
Project Objectives
- Use open source technologies
- Develop a native WishMaker system for iOS and Android
- Develop web services with meteorite information
System Objectives
- Notice people about new sightnings
- Inform people about sightnings
User Experience Example
- Whenever you explore these meteorite sightings you can have a look at interesting information about them. When you've picked your favorite sighting, you can 'make a wish' and tweet it from your mobile so your friends know about it.
Project Information
License: Apache License, Version 2.0Source Code/Project URL: