SpaceAppsROC is a 24 hour hackathon being held in the RIT Simone Center for Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Food and refreshments will be provided throughout the event.
Be sure to bring your laptops/desktops or other devices you will need for development. Parking available in 'S' Lot. Kick-off at 6pm, following BarcampROC.
Contestants will be competing in 5 Categories:
- Software
- Open Hardware
- Data Visualization
- Citizen Science
- Creative
Specific Challenges will be announced by the day of the hackathon in each of the five categories. Two submissions will be selected to advance to the next round of the Top 100 projects world-wide.
In the Open Hardware category, our site will be making available for use during the event a limited number of RaspberryPi units and LeapMotion 3D gesture-control systems, thanks to our very generous sponsors.
If your organization would be interested in sponsoring Rochester's Event, send an email to our organizer and we'll send you a list of sponsorship packages.
The RIT Inn & Conference Center been added a sponsor, offering reduced rates for Rochester participants! $94.00 Overnight Guestroom Rate for the NASA International Space Apps Registrants on both April 20th & 21stHotel features: Newly Renovated Guest Rooms, Complimentary Wireless Internet, Indoor Pool & Sauna and two Restaurants on property. Only minutes away from campus! Rooms can be booked through the front desk at 585-359-1800. Name to mention when booking: “RIT NASA International Space Apps Challenge”
Projects Nominated for Global Judging
MS3P (My Space Plant Pod Project)
Projects Receiving Local Awards
Creative - SolarSystemHat: You are the sun
Open Hardware - PiLink
Citizen Science - MS3P (My Space Plant Pod Project)
Data Visualization - ClimateTimeMachine
Software (Honorable Mention) - SkyMorphius
Software - SpaceHub
RIT Simone Center for Student Innovation and EntrepreneurshipMap itRIT Simone Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Building 87 - Room 1600
159 Lomb Memorial Drive
Rochester, New York
United StatesTime
The following projects were worked on at Space Apps Challenge Rochester:

RIT Simone Center for Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship