Hashtag= #energyexplorer
- Many people may be curious about the renewable energy possibilities in their area. This data is available from various government websites, but is either not user friendly or highly technical.
- For people to make good decisions about renewable energy, they need convenient access to information about the resource potential in their area.
Challenge Description:
Create a simple web application or visualization, or smartphone app that spatially and temporally integrates wind, solar, and geothermal energy data and allow users to see where, on average, wind and/or solar, and/or geothermal potential are greatest.
Functional Specifications:
- Allow for users to drill down to a localized geospatial scale, showing areas where combined wind and solar (or other combinations) would have the great potential.
- You are free to be creative in your solution, but one possibility would be to create a google maps or google earth type interface which overlays various renewable energy potential layers (solar, wind, geothermal, etc.) which can be combined or viewed individually.
Global Renewable Resource Potential
Geospatial Toolkit
http://en.openei.org/wiki/Geospatial_Toolkita map-based software application that integrates resource data and GIS data for integrated resource assessment
US State Wind Resource Potential
Wind Resources
National Solar Radiation Database
Solar Power Prospector
http://en.openei.org/wiki/Solar_Power_Prospectoran interactive mapping tool designed and developed for the Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) industry to help developers site large scale CSP plants by providing easy access to solar resource datasets
Geothermal Prospector
http://en.openei.org/wiki/Geothermal_Prospectoran interactive mapping tool to help developers site large-scale geothermal plants by providing easy access to geothermal resource datasests
Geothermal Protection Areas GIS Data
Geothermal Regions
Utility Rate Database
Renewable Energy Incentives and Policies
Google Wind
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The following projects are solving this challenge:
Permitará a los usuarios acceder a una escala geoespacial localizada, que mostrara las zonas donde el viento y el sol tendrían un gran potencial. Será vista desde pc de escritorio y dispositivos móviles. Visit Project
Sim Energy
Simulating renewable energy in European region. Visit Project
Energia Tierra
Nuestro proyecto tiene como fin presentear al usuario donde podrá encontrar mas potencialidad entre tres energías La energía Solar, Eólica, Geo-termica que podrá implementar en su uso cotidiano Visit Project
A simple representation of renewable energy potential around the globe Visit Project
Life with winds
風力発電を効率よくプロットすることができるアプリ。バードストライクにも焦点を当てる。 Visit Project
Empower smartphone users to search and discover potentials of Geothermal, Solar and Wind energies in the continental US. Visit Project
Green Explorer
Simple application that calculates the investment needed for a certain amount of energy and vice versa, the energy you would generate for a predefined investment. All this is calculated depending on the area of your choosing. Visit Project
Green Earth
A simple visualization about the potential of renewable energy resources around the world and the current scenario of the world with an aim for a greener earth. Visit Project
Just Energy
Rendering information about different renewable energy sources on a Google maps API. Visit Project
RE mapping
Mapping renewable energy sources in Google map using Google API Visit Project
We are planning to visualize the solar power, wind power and geothermal power data using two approaches. One is to visualize in Google earth using KML both on mobile, web and desktop. The other is to show it in a website using Maps API and overlaying the data related to solar, wind and geotherma... Visit Project
An Android App which calculates Cost/Benefit of renewable energies for your home. Visit Project
## An API that provides a renewable energy index for a zip code. Visit Project
Got zombies? Go off the grid with renewable energy. Where's the best place to go for you to get away from the general population, and be able to support yourself on renewable energy? Using Safehouse, you can discover where to go and what equipment it'll take for anywhere in the world! Visit Project
renewable energy view
Development of an application capable of showing the users the best locations on a map to obtain different kinds of renewable energy. Visit Project
Stunningly, the percentage of renewable energy in Earth's total supply has actually decreased over the last 40 years. What happened to our world becoming more conscious, and not least, now having access to much more sophisticated technology than in the 70’s? Why haven’t we improved our green ener... Visit Project
Renewable Energy Explorer with augmented reality for IOS devices
This project takes advantage of augmented reality AR as a way to see digital information of Renewable Energies in the region of user. In our case Mexico. Also shows the KW or MW potentials usefull for decision and inverstion. We make a point of interest that integrates wind, solar, and geotherma... Visit Project
Bolivian Green Explorer
Search green energy by low cost using all kinds of renewable energy throw Bolivian's geography. La aplicación: Bolivia Green Explorer (BGE) es una aplicación móvil que te mostrará toda la información sobre la energía solar, geotérmica y eólica que existe en una determinada ubicación geográfica... Visit Project
Renewable Energy Hunter
This project is about discovering renewable energy potential for Australia (and perhaps extendible to include whole earth). We collect data from Australia's Bureau of Meteorology and process how much energy could be extracted from the user's current latitude and longitude using renewable sources... Visit Project
Renewable energy is that energy comes from different sources such as sunlight, wind, rain, waves and geothermal heat. This energy presents 16% from the global energy used in our world which will be more of this percentage in the future. For sure this value will be multiplied in the nearest future... Visit Project
EnergizedAnt (EAnt) will extract data from multiple sources, provide an unified interface, based upon web services, for every 3rd party application out there and finally own a modern, responsive and especially user friendly web interface. I personally invite you to join us! Languages ... Visit Project
Quiltic Energy Predictor is a Web app that obtains the historical information of the renewable energy capacity of different countries from several sources and displays graphically the summary of this information. The app takes this information and uses mathematical regression to predict the behav... Visit Project
Energy mAPPS
Our project aims to create a map of renewable energy in Europe and Italy. We're developping an app for smartphones, starting from the Google maps platform. Mission statement is collecting data about solar, geothermal and eolic energy, classified by areas. We made an interpolation of all the data ... Visit Project
Water Thermolysis Proton Exchange Energy Power (WATPEEP)
Renewable Energy Explorer - Title: Water Thermolysis Proton Exchange Energy Power (WATPEEP) - Author: Frederick Agyemang - Date: 21/04/2013 - In my attempt to explore renewable energy, when an atom of water is taken, the two hydrogen contains 2 electrons in one atom of water (H2O). Thus i... Visit Project
Renewable Energy Explorer (REX) - [View our Presentation](http://www.youtube.com/embed/RbzsytBlTbQ) # Vision We want to create a renewable energy explorer app that doesn't suck. We've researched existing solutions. They provide useful data, but their UIs are too complicated. So, we'... Visit Project
 [Click here to lunch Application](http://enermap.org/application) [Click here to vist Enermap.org](http://enermap.org) ##Project Description We are a team of 3 passionate high school students and 1 univer... Visit Project
Energy2People brings to the people the opportunity to understand the availability of renewable energy resources around the world and the benefits of its exploitation. These objectives are met by means of a web-based application that interprets the NASA data on renewable energy resources and prese... Visit Project
Perpetuality - Renewable Energy Explorer - "gamified"
Perpetuality is a "Renewable Energy Explorer"-game. 14 people from Netherlands, Japan and Spain cooperated and quickly formed teams: one group was devoted to gathering various spatial datasets and making these accessible for the others, a civil engineer created the necessary models, the front-... Visit Project
World Energy Xplorer
Appart from GitHub, you can access our project from the following url to see a demonstration : http://energy.isubscribe.ma We are aware of the importance of gathering renewable energy data in one map, one web application and one place, therefore since this feature was not implemented before in a... Visit Project
Cloudless Spots for Solar Power Generation (a.k.a. Where to Put Solar Panels?)
[](http://solar-energy.no32.tk/) Under the world population is increasing and the energy resource is limited in nowadays. Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident in 2011, which made us to consi... Visit Project

Renewable Energy Explorer