• Welcome to the International Space Apps Challenge in Rome!  

    If you are a developer, a designer, an engineer, an entrepreneur or just a space and science enthusiast, come join us during the weekend of April 20-21 for an intense weekend of collaborative work, happening simultaneously in 75 cities and 41 countries around the world! 

    Sponsored by NASA and organized by European Space Agency and the United States Embassy in collaboration with La Sapienza University, the International Space Apps Challenge aims at producing open-source solutions to global challenges that are relevant to both life on Earth and life in space. At the events, individuals work together, forming teams focused on solving a particular challenge.

    The teams compete/collaborate with other teams around the world.  You will have access to open data sets to develop innovative solutions for global challenges in software development, science platforms, sensors, and data visualization.

    Challenges: Over 50 challenges have been proposed. You can find them here: http://2013.spaceappschallenge.org/challenges/ 

    We have selected a few for which, thanks to ESA, additional data sets are available. However, you can choose to work on any of the proposed 55.  

    Here is the list of our proposed challenges:

    1. mySpaceCal
    2. ESA 3D printing contest


    3. Aligning the Stars
    4. Catch a Meteor iPhone Meteor Tracker
    5. CubeSats for Asteroid Exploration
    6. Deployable Greenhouse
    7. Hitch a Ride to Mars
    8. Bootstrapping of Space Industry
    9.Seven Minutes of Science
    10.Space Station Benefit to Humanity
    11.Spot the Station


    12. ArduSat
    13. Adopt a Spacecraft: Voyager 1
    14. Curiosity at Home
    15. EPA Earth Day
    16. Lego Rovers
    17. Seeing water from space
    18. Smart Cities, Smart Climate
    19. Solar Flare
    20. We love data

    Participation is free but you must register here: http://2013.spaceappschallenge.org/register/rome/

    We can accommodate 200 people and will have a short 'waiting list'. Please cancel your participation if you cannot attend, so you free a space for somebody else.   

    Equipment: bring your notebook!  

    Food will be provided by the organizers (from lunch on Saturday to lunch on Sunday) 

    Overnight: Limited space is available on the university premises. Bring your sleeping bag!

    Friday, April 19 Press Conference

    Saturday, April 20

    09:00  Briefing by Sasi Kumar Pillay, NASA CTO

    From 10 am on Saturday to 5 pm on Sunday, the Apps Challenge will be on.

    Sunday, April 21
    17:30  Apps Challenge ends.

    You can't make it to Rome?  You have another possibility:  Virtual Participation!
    You don't have to be at a local event to participate in Space Apps… you just need a computer, an Internet connection and a desire to collaborate with others to build applications. You will connect online with global dispatch to find a team that needs your specific skills and expertise to help solve a challenge. All from the comfort of your own home.

    If you want to join as a Virtual Participant, just register at the appropriate site, that you can find in the list of locations or click here http://spaceappschallenge.org/location/virtual/


    Projects Nominated for Global Judging

    Green on the Red planet
    Space Cal App

    Projects Receiving Local Awards

    Green on the Red Planet - Green on the Red planet
    Space Cal App - Space Cal App



    • CloudSigma
    • Capgemini
    • SAP
    • Selex ES
    • T-Systems
    • CleanWeb Italy


    La Sapienza, Department of EngineeringMap it
    Università La Sapienza Via Eudossiana, 18





  • The following projects were worked on at Space Apps Challenge Rome: