MapGap is a webapp where users can select a location where satelite imagery data is missing and report, thus crowdsourcing the demand data for agencies and vendors to take up. The goal is to find out where to point our satelites. The app is written using Ruby, Sinatra, MongoDB & Google Maps API and is hosted on Heroku. The Source code for this app is available under GNU GPL as a git repository. Feedback, suggestions and criticisms can be sent to @nileshtrivedi on Twitter.

This project is solving the More Earth Observation challenge.


A webapp where users can select a location where satelite imagery data is missing and report, thus crowdsourcing the demand data for agencies and vendors to take up.

Written using Ruby, Sinatra, MongoDB and hosted on GitHub + Heroku.

Project Information

License: GNU General Public License
Source Code/Project URL:


App HomePage -
Developer's HomePage -